Dr Egemen Avcu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Machine and Metal Technologies, Ford Otosan İhsaniye Automotive Vocational School, Kocaeli University, Turkey. He has currently ongoing international research collaborations with Universities in the UK, Germany, and Turkey. He has been teaching courses on materials science and mechanical engineering at course coordinator and lecturer levels at the School of Materials, The University of Manchester (since 2018), at Department of Mechanical Eng., and Department of Mechatronic Eng., Kocaeli University (since 2013).
Egemen Avcu’s research background falls mainly into the field of understanding the microstructure-mechanical and tribological behaviour relationship of materials, and the development and processing of advanced materials and coatings, particularly composites. His research area covers; i) mechanical, tribological, and surface characterisation of aerospace materials, ii) processing of advanced composite materials and coatings, and iii) design and development of testing and processing systems.
- E-posta
- egemen.avcu@kocaeli.edu.tr
- Diğer E-posta
- avcuegemen@gmail.com
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.kocaeli.edu.tr/egemen.avcu
- İş Telefonu
- +90 262 435 6166 Dahili: 1102