MOLARANT-LAB, founded on 08.10.2015, is a thematic (Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Biology) laboratory. It is currently managed by the managers and faculty members who are responsible for the projects that formed the basis for the establishment of the laboratory. At the same time, researchers who have received financial support from national and international scientific call programs with their projects and postdoctoral researchers are working in MOLARANT-LAB. Lecturers or researchers working in the laboratory have scientific equipment and working skills compatible with the laboratory concept (Molecular research, antigen-antibody production and characterization etc).

Fields of activity of MOLARANT-LAB:

·      Primary and secondary cell culture, generating cell stocks,

·      Studies on bacterial and viral antigens required for antibody production

·      Characterization of the antibody (ELISA; Surface Plasmo Resonance (SPR) etc. analysis),

·      Virus production, virus quantitation, viral oncogenesis

·      Real Time PCR, Reverse Transcriptase PCR, Quantitative PCR studies

·      Production of diagnostic kits used in the diagnosis of diseases and standardization studies

·      Microbiological R&D studies (bacteria, viruses, fungi), molecular analysis and toxicity studies of new products, materials (metallic, ceramic, polymeric, bio, nano, etc.)

·      Consultancy services to public and private institutions and organizations in related with the fields mentioned above.


Recent Publications