Publications & Works

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

Examining Exposure to Violence and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction in Resident Physicians

7. Uluslararası 25. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 14 - 17 January 2024, pp.225-226

Kocaeli Derince İlçesinde Kanser Taraması İçin KETEM’e Yapılan Başvuruların Değerlendirilmesi

3. Uluslararası 21. Ulusal Halk Sağlığı Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 26 - 30 November 2019, pp.1096-1097 Sustainable Development

Restrooms: health and sanitation

Environmental HealthCongress, Turkey, 1 - 04 May 2006

The impact of coal fired power plants on respiratorysymptoms

ISEE 2000 12th Conference of the International Society forEnvironmental Epidemiology, 19 - 23 August 2000 Sustainable Development

Ötenazi üzerine bir çalışma

V. Ulusal Halk SağlığıKongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 16 October 1996
Books & Book Chapters

Non-Microbial Threats of Climate Change and Its Reflections on Public Health

in: Current One Health: Evolution of Thought from Zoonotic Threats to Climatic Disasters and Ecotoxicological Problems, Rüştü Taştan,Ayşe Ak,Burcu Küçük Biçer,Demet Arslanbaş, Editor, Duvar Kitapevi, İzmir, pp.327-340, 2023

Neoliberal Policies, Multinational Corporations and Nutrition

in: Current Issues in Environmental Health, Ayşe Emel Önal,Çiğdem Çağlayan,Derya Çamur,Nurhan Meydan Acımış,Melike Yavuz, Editor, Palme Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, pp.1-220, 2022

Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde COVID-19 Enfeksiyonunu Önleme Çalışmaları

in: Türkiye Sağlık Raporu 2020, Sarp Üner, Pınar Okyay, Editor, Hipokrat Yayınevi, pp.719-723, 2020

Enerji Politikaları ve Çevre

in: Türkiye Sağlık Raporu 2020, Sarp Üner,Pınar Okyay, Editor, Hipokrat, Ankara, pp.347-362, 2020



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UN Sustainable Development Goals