Inventory of emissions of primary air pollutants in the city of Kocaeli, Turkey

Cetin Ş., Karademir A., Pekey B., Ayberk S.

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, vol.128, pp.165-175, 2007 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


This study aims to obtain a reliable inventory of the emission rates of the principal air pollutants including PM, SO2, NOx and CO in Kocaeli, Turkey. In the first stage, the pollutant sources classified as point, area and line sources are determined in the area. Then the annual emission rates of the pollutants released from these sources are estimated by the emission factors given by USEPA and CORINAIR. Results show that the annual emission rates for PM, SO2, NOx and CO are 2195 tons, 5342 tons, 14632 tons and 23095 tons, respectively. On the other hand, the pollutant group with the highest contribution to total emission rate is determined as the point sources for NOx , which is responsible for 73% of total NOx emission, while it is the area sources for PM, SO2 and CO with the contribution percentages of 75, 76 and 69, respectively.