PLANLAMA-PLANNING, cilt.34, sa.2, ss.150-165, 2024 (ESCI)
While there are several studies on space analysis in the literature, the analysis of threshold spaces is a subject that has received insufficient attention. To address this insufficiency, the study aims to test the approach proposed for the detection and analysis of threshold spaces, using the example of Atat & uuml;rk Park/ & Scedil;emsiyeli Bah & ccedil;e (Umbrella Garden) in the city center of Adapazar & imath; / Sakarya, Turkey. The three-stage study was carried out by determining potential threshold spaces in the first stage; selecting the threshold space to be analyzed among potential threshold spaces and conducting the document analysis and on-site detection of this threshold area in the second stage; and observing the selected potential threshold space using the behavioral mapping technique in the third stage. The observation criteria used in the study (observation days, periods, the number of observed places and the additional techniques used) were developed by taking reference from research in the literature. In this way, a detection and analysis model that provides a clearer workflow to the behavioral mapping method and is more specific and suitable for the analysis of threshold spaces was explained and tested with a case study. As a result of the study, by interpreting the space observed on site, it was revealed that threshold spaces can contain thresholds of many different sizes. The study proposes a roadmap for the analysis of threshold spaces or spaces in general, containing valuable data for researchers interested in observing the actions that define spaces and creating designs appropriate to these actions.