Indian Journal Of Chemical Technology, vol.26, pp.266-269, 2019 (SCI-Expanded)
Ths paper presents an expermental examnaton of AA2024 alumnum alloy through Equal Channel Angular Pressng (ECAP), annealng, and ECAPed plus agng applcatons. The am of ths study s to compare and observe the effects of the a forected processes n terms of hardness and electrcal conductvty. ECAP s one of the frequently used methods for Severe Plastc Deformaton (SPD). SPD gve rses to obtan stronger mechancal propertes of materals as an mprovement technque n materal scence. Four AA2024 specmens are prepared. One s as receved sample, second s annealed AA2024, thrd one s ECAP processed and the last one s ECAP and then agng processed form. Hardness measurement s done as mechancal propertes nvestgaton. In addton, mcrostructure behavour wth SEM s studed. Once agan, electrcal conductvty of all four specmens are examned. All parameters are compared wth each other. After annealng process the hardness of AA2024 s reduced accordng to as receved form. ECAP ncreased the hardness, despte ths, the hghest hardness value s observed on ECAPed plus agng processed sample. The electrcal conductvty of AA2024 s ncreased after annealng process accordng to as receved form. However, t reduced after ECAPed plus agng process. Nevertheless, ECAPed sample ganed more conductvty and has the least resstvty.