EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, vol.36, no.160, pp.213-223, 2011 (SSCI)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of department and years spent in program on elementary and secondary mathematics pre-service teachers' mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs. The study was conducted with 318 pre-service teachers enrolled in elementary and secondary mathematics teacher education programs in the United States. The Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (MTEBI, Enochs, Smith, & Huinker, 2000) was used to measure the participants' teaching efficacy beliefs. The results show that there was significant effect of department and years spent in the department on pre-service teachers' personal mathematics teaching efficacy scores. No significant effect of the department and years spent in the department of mathematics teaching outcome expectancy scores was observed. The results were discussed and teaching ideas for teacher educators were suggested.