Strong coupling constants of bottom and charmed mesons with scalar, pseudoscalar, and axial vector kaons

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Sundu H., Sungu J., ŞAHİN S., YİNELEK N., Azizi K.

Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, vol.83, no.11, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


The strong coupling constants, gDsDK0*, gB sBK0*, gDs*DK, gBs*BK, gDs*DK1 and gBs*BK1, where K0*, K and K1 are scalar, pseudoscalar, and axial-vector kaon mesons, respectively, are calculated in the framework of three-point QCD sum rules. In particular, the correlation functions of the considered vertices when both B(D) and K0*(K)(K1) mesons are off shell are evaluated. In the case of K1, which is either K1(1270) or K1(1400), the mixing between these two states are also taken into account. A comparison of the obtained result with the existing prediction on gDs*DK as the only coupling constant among the considered vertices, previously calculated in the literature, is also made. © 2011 American Physical Society.