6th International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP), Konya, Turkey, 21 - 23 July 2016, pp.24-29
In this paper, the real time ERP-OFDM wireless local area network (WLAN) receiver prototype and its performance analysis based on IEEE 802.11g physical layer requirements are presented. We design and implement a software defined radio (SDR) receiver for all ERP-OFDM WLAN functionalities. The receiver prototype setup based on the universal software radio peripheral 2 called USRP2 with National Instruments (NI) Lab VIEW software. It consists of a dipole antenna, the USRP2, and a computer setup USRP2 driver. In this prototype implementation, we deal with signal synchronization, phase estimation, channel estimation, and demodulation over the real wireless channel conditions. To validate the real-time prototype receiver, the spectrum of 2.4 MHz band is measured by IEEE 802.11g supported Wi-Fi card. Moreover, the prototype receiver and Wi-Fi card performances are in very closed agreement with a frame error rate of 1 %. Hence, this prototype has been designed successfully to implement all PHY functions of ERP-OFDM.