Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the very early onset schizophrenia and early onset schizophrenia

KARDAŞ Ö., Kardas B., Erermis H. S.

ANADOLU PSIKIYATRI DERGISI-ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, sa.6, ss.615-623, 2018 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Objective: Our aim in this research is discuss characteristics of treatment and gender and age of onset on clinical appearance on effects, sociodemographic data of patients followed with the diagnosis of early onset schizophrenia (EOS) and very early onset schizophrenia (VEOS), which are rare and limited in number. Methods: In our study, patients who are followed up in Psychosis-Affective Unit come regularly to controls 22 patients' file information have been evaluated as retrospectively. Statistical evaluation was performed by recording the socio-demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, first and last clinical indications, Clinical Global Impression (CGI)-severity, CGI-side effects and CGI-improvement scores, medications used and drug side effects of the patients. Results: This group consists of 11 male and 11 female patients. The age range is from 13 to 19 and the average age is 16.5 +/- 1.5. The age of onset of the disease is between 6 and 17 years, with a mean of 13.7 +/- 2.6. The average of treatment duration since the onset of the disease is minimum 6 months- maximum of 8 years, with an average of 2 +/- 1.8 years. Eight (36.4%) cases are VEOS and 14 cases (63.6%) are EOS when the age of onset of the disease is examined. It was noted that the early onset was significantly higher in females and the early onset was significantly higher in males. The auditory hallucinations were determined significantly higher in female cases than male cases. The reference delusions were found to be significantly higher in EOS, disorganized behaviors were found to be significantly higher in VEOS. Risperidone was used in 17 (77.3%), olanzapine in eight (36.4%), aripiprazole in 12 (54.5%), clozapine in four (18.2%), quetiapine and chlorpromazine (%4.5) in one. The adverse effects that required cut medicine any cases were not observed. Extrapyramidal system side effects were found to be significantly higher in male patients than in female patients. Discussion: EOS and VEOS are psychiatric diseases that cause deterioration in functioning and go to ruin. These diseases may be in different clinical manifestations. Important remedies can be recorded with effective treatment and functionality in EOS and VEOS. There is a need for prospective studies to expand the sample group on follow-up and treatment of EOS and VEOS.