2nd International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS 2005), Siena, İtalya, 5 - 07 Eylül 2005, ss.596-600
This paper presents design and implementation of a novel smart antenna algorithm referred as space code correlator (SCC). The algorithm is based on storing predetermined array response vectors, and performing code correlation with the desired user's code and then spatial correlation of despread signal with stored array response vectors. The design methodology aims to find a beamforming weight vector that provides satisfactory SINR performance with fixed execution time so that convergence problem is avoided. SCC algorithm is implemented on the different Texas Instruments (TI) TMS320C67x floating-point digital signal processors (DSP) taking into account multipath propagation conditions. The implementation steps and results pertaining weight vector estimation time and SINR performance are presented. Results show that with careful selection of DOA search window and multipath SNR level, the SCC algorithm provides implementation time less than 10 ms frame interval of cdma2000 system.