PHYSICAL REVIEW D, cilt.101, sa.9, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)
The spectroscopic parameters and decay channels of the scalar tetraquark T (bb) over bar;(u) over bar(s) over bar (in what follows Th-,) are investigated in the framework of the QCD sum rule method. The mass and coupling of the Tb-, are calculated using the two-point sum rules by taking into account quark, gluon and mixed vacuum condensates up to dimension 10. Our result for its mass m = (10250 +/- 270) MeV demonstrates that is stable against the strong and electromagnetic decays. Therefore to find the width and mean lifetime of the we explore its dominant weak decays generated by the transition T (bb) over bar;(u) over bar(s) over bar . These channels embrace the semileptonic decay Ti, Zubc; and nonleptonic modesTess,Ds), which at the final state contain the scalar tetraquark Zt;. Key quantities to compute partial widths of the weak decays are the form factors GI (q2) and G2(q2): they determine differential rate dfI (1(12 of the semileptonic and partial widths of the nonleptonic processes, respectively. These form factors are extracted from relevant three-point sum rules at momentum transfers q2 accessible for such analysis. By means of the tit functions F1(2) (q2) they are extrapolated to cover the whole integration region m < q2 < (m-th)2, where in is the mass of 4,;. Predictions for the full width Fut = (15.21 2.59) x 10-10 MeV and mean lifetime 4.33(-0.063+)(0.89) x 10(-13) s of the T-are useful for experimental and theoretical investigations of this exotic -0.63 meson.