73. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, Turkey, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.669-670
The metamorphic sole rocks of the Pınarbaşı Ophiolite from the central part of Anatolia are tectonically located between the mantle peridotites and the accretionary complex. They are also observed as blocks in the accretionary complexes. The metamorphic sole rocks are represented by garnet-amphibolite, amphibolite, epidote-amphibolite, garnet-quartz-amphiboleschist, calc-phyllites and metabasalts. The amhibolites consist of amphibole + plagioclase ± garnet ± pyroxene ± epidote ± chlorite ± rutile ± apatite ± and opaque minerals. Quartz-amphibole-schists from the metamorphic sole rocks are composed of quartz, + amphibole, ± garnet, ± epidote, ± sphene, ± rutil and opaque minerals. Based on the mineral chemical analyses, amphiboles from the amphibolites are tschermakite in composition and plagioclases are labradorite in composition. Pyroxene minerals in the amphibolites are represented by diopside. Garnets from the amphibolites show predominantly almandine composition. Amphibole minerals from the quartz-amphiboleschists are characterized by magnesio-hastingsites. Garnets in the same rocks are commonly almandine and grossular in compositions. The amphibolites display distinct geochemical signatures such as, N-MORB, E-MORB, OIB and SSZ. The metabasalts exhibit OIB geochemical characteristics. The quartz-amphiboleschists exhibit LREE enrichments and negative Eu anomaly in the chondrite normalized rare earth element (REE) diagram. The same rocks show Sr, Ba, Nb and Ti depletion in the N-MORB normalized multi element diagram. Pressure temperature conditions of the garnet-pyroxene-amphibolites from the metamorphic sole rocks were estimated to be around 800-850 ºC and 10-11 kbar based on various geothermobarometers. According to our pressure temperature estimation, the metamorphic sole rocks were metamorphosed at about 30-35 km depth in the subduction zone in the granulite facies conditions.