Optimization of CO2+ ions removal from water solutions via polymer enhanced ultrafiltration with application of PVA and sulfonated PVA as complexing agents

Uzal N., Jaworska A., Miskiewicz A., Zakrzewska-Trznadel G., Cojocaru C.

JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol.362, no.2, pp.615-624, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


The paper presents the results of the studies of UF-complexation process applied for the removal of Co2+ ions from water solutions. As binding agents for cobalt ions, the PVA polymer (M-w = 10,000) and its sulfonated form, synthesized in the laboratory, have been used. The method of experimental design and response surface methodology have been employed to find out the optimal conditions for the complexation process and to evaluate the interaction between the input variables, i.e., initial cobalt concentration, pH and amount of the polymer used, expressed as a polymer/Co2+ ratio r.