The 1st International Symposium on Computing in Science Engineering, İzmir, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Haziran 2010, ss.801-809
A decrease in the variation of the output variable is done with new parameter values obtained by design of experiment (DOE) in the production. The purpose is to find the optimum values of factors / interactions which cause variation in the output level. However, because of both reduction in costs and the need to decide within a short time in competitive environment, companies avoid from long-lasting experiments. Another reason of not preferring DOE is that the computations are so complicated and hard to understand.
DOE done by Shainin Method can result in more than 70% reduction in the variation by removing negative reasons indicated above. The point of the method which has its own tools is to determine the important factors causing variations (Red X, Pink X, and Pale Pink X) are eliminating unimportant factors. Thus, net results can be reached by applying full factorial experiment.
Taguchi Method is an experimental design technique that reduces the number of experiments significantly by using the orthogonal arrays and also tries to minimize the effects of the uncontrollable factors.
In this study, on an industrial problem by applying Shainin and Taguchi Methods, differences in the results which emerged indicated.
Key Words: Design of Experiment, Red X, Optimization, Shainin Method, Taguchi Method