Floating Mini Robot Design Driven by Piezo Actuator

Karagoz N. N., Atici S., Yaman B. F., Topacik B., KİZİR S.

JOURNAL OF POLYTECHNIC-POLITEKNIK DERGISI, sa.2, ss.519-527, 2023 (ESCI) identifier


From past to present, human beings have observed and imitated many things in nature to improve their quality of life and overcome the problems they face. Today, the development of biomimetic science also greatly influences robotics. In this study, it is aimed to reach the most suitable design of a mini-robot that imitates the movement of tadpoles driven by piezo bimorph and to determine the optimum operating values of this robot. Mathematical analysis and computer simulations were carried out. The study was supported by the computer vision method and haptic system. In addition to these, the problems encountered and the alternative ways applied are also mentioned in this article.