JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, cilt.36, sa.4, ss.402403201-402403215, 2024 (Scopus)
This study investigates the effects of water/geopolymer (W/GP) solid ratio and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)content on the mechanical, elevated temperature resistance, and sorptivity properties of geopolymer concrete (GPC). In this study, two differ-ent W/GP solid ratios were used, 0.33 and 0.35, and GPC was produced by replacing fly ash (FA) with 0%, 50%, and 100% GGBS. As aresult of physical, mechanical, and nondestructive tests in this GPC; strength performance and durability performance were investigated byfinding slump, setting time, compressive strength, elevated temperature resistance, sorptivity, and dynamic modulus of elasticity (DME) viaultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), a nondestructive test. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spec-troscopy (EDX) analyses were performed on GPC samples. As the percentage of GGBS in the mixture increased, the slump of GPC decreasedbut its cohesion increased. The final setting time of GP mortar containing 100% FA is approximately 80 times that of GP mortar containing100% GGBS for both W/GP solid ratios. When the GGBS percentage in the mixture increased from 0% to 100%, the compressive strength ofGPC increased about 4–5 times depending on the W/GP solid ratio. The increase in the GGBS percentage decreased the sorptivity of the GPCup to 6.5 times. The elevated temperature performance of GPC increased with the increase of the FA ratio. SEM analysis showed that a morehomogeneous and denser microstructure was obtained with the increase of GGBS content in the mixture.