Global Journal on Humanites & Social Sciences, no.1, pp.314-317, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Examination of effects of gestalt theory on graphic design
İ.Tahir Erdal *, Fine Arts Faculty, Kocaeli University, P.O. Box 41300, Turkey.
Suggested Citation:
Erdal, İ, T. (2015). Examination of effects of gestalt theory on graphic design, Global Journal on Humanites & Social Sciences. [Online]. 01, pp 314-317. Available from:
Received January 08, 2014; revised February 10, 2014; accepted March 01, 2014.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Siniša Opid, Zagreb University, Croatia.
©2015 Academic World Education & Research Center. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Gestalt Theory on graphic design. For this purpose, the perception in the Gestalt Theory has been addressed with regard to the relation of graphic design products, design principles and design elements. In this study the descriptive method has been used. The horizon of the study is composed of determination of gestalt effects on the graphic designs. It is determined that according to Gestalt Theory, the principles forming perceptual organization laws in the visual perception of Gestalt Theory are included in the graphic design principles, and that for graphic design process and graphic designer, the use of the principles of Gestalt Theory forming the perceptual organization laws have positively affected the perception on graphic design.
Keywords: graphic design, gestalt theory, figure-ground.