TURKISH ONLINE JOURNAL OF DESIGN ART AND COMMUNICATION, vol.11, no.2, pp.732-749, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Art and archaeology have an increasing interaction, which is expressed mainly in displaying the material culture of ancient civilizations. The technology-driven exhibition techniques applied in the “Curious Case of Çatalhöyük” exhibition and Göbeklitepe archaeological site to increase the perception of visitors constitute the essence of the study. Archaeological interpretations using post-modern rhetoric in Çatalhöyük and Göbeklitepe, which we usually observe in conceptual artworks, suggest new directions in the analysis of visual reconstructions of past societies. As post-modernity indicates that art is for everyone, archaeologists seem to favor the idea that the narratives of archaeology are supposed to be everyone to understand and enjoy. Thus, many museum displays consist of contemporary design features by employing the concepts of digital art. This paper examines the backgrounds of the relation between two disciplines by “digging” up the history of archaeological theories and analyzing main art movements corresponding to a period from Dadaism to contemporary art