1st International Congress onTourism, Economic and Business Sciences, Skopje, Makedonya, 1 - 05 Kasım 2017, ss.34
Today entrepreneurship has changed into a new formation with Generation Y who were born between 1980 and 2000. The
purpose of this study is to measure the effect of demographic characteristics of Generation Y on their entrepreneurial tendencies. The study was carried out with 512 Gen Y students of Hereke Ömer İsmet Uzunyol Vocational School of Kocaeli
University who took the course titled Introduction to Management. Entrepreneurial tendencies of Generation Y were measured
by using the “Entrepreneurship Scale For University Students” developed by Yılmaz and Sünbül in 2009. In the study, factor
analysis was carried out. T-test was conducted for the gender variable, and the Kruskal Wallis test was carried out for the
variables including education, income, having an entrepreneurial. Significant results were obtained between Gen Y with an
entrepreneurial family and their entrepreneurial tendencies supporting the literature.
Keywords: Generation, Generation, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Tendencies, Values