American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, vol.3, no.2, pp.234-237, 2009 (Scopus)
Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) is a species in the genus Prunus, native to the regions bordering the Black Sea in Southwestern Asia and Southeastern Europe, from Albania and Bulgaria east through Turkey to the Caucasus Mountains and northern Iran. It is widely spread out in the North-East part of Turkey and there are many cultivars. This species has an important and economical value for medicinal and pharmacy industry. Determining suitable conditions for cutting propagation is too important for economical propagation. In this study propagation of cherry laurel with cutting was investigated. The cuttings were treated with 2, 4, 6 and 8 g/l of Indole-3-butryric acid (IBA). Rooting stage was completed in the greenhouse under mist propagation unit. The results were evaluated after 60 days. All the data were evaluated us ing the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the groups that showed variance were then subjected to the Duncan test with a significance value p#0.05. The rooting rate (%), average root number (roots/plant), average root length (cm), fresh and dried root weight (g) was determined. The rooting rate (87.50%) was the highest in 2 g/l IBA but difference is not important statistically. The average root number (54.99 roots/plant) was taken from 2 g/l IBA again and it was important statistically. Number of root was decreased with the increasing doses. The longest roots (1.35 cm) occurred with 2 g/I IBA dose and the root development was better without any callus. The root development was good again for 4000 ppm IBA secondly and this dose was gave more branches and leaves at rooting stages. In the higher doses of IBA, roots became breakable and callus rate was higher. Roots were shortened with higher doses. These roots were demaged while transfering to soil. All IBA doses increased the rooting traits compared with control. There was no difference for fresh weight of roots in different doses. It was changeable. For dry weight, difference was important by statistically, so that 2 and 4 g/l IBA gave the highest value. © 2009, American Eurasian Network for Scientific Information.