Evaluating the Geometric Accuracy of Large Scale Digital Orthophotos Produced from Aerial Photography


International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, vol.7, no.3, pp.265-271, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


This paper aims to assess the geometric accuracy of large-scale digital orthophoto produced from aerial photography in the projectarea. Since accuracy assessment of digital orthophotos is a complicated issue some main factors and parameters that affect digitalorthophoto accuracy are briefly explained and discussed throughout the study. For this aim it is investigated the accuracy of digitalorthophotos produced in a project for large scale (i.e. 1/1000) digital photogrammetric map and orthophoto production in Kocaelicity. The estimated orthophoto accuracies in the project were found to be quite adequate and acceptable according to the national andinternational standards. The results also serve for a crucial approach for the usability and cost efficiency of digital orthophotoimagery for the production of large scale national standard maps.ses