Food Science and Technology (Brazil), cilt.42, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
© 2022, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.This study aimed to determine the physicochemical and rheological characterization of Rocket seed gum (RSG) as a plant-based natural gum. Moisture, ash, protein, monosaccharide composition, and pH value were determined. Mannose and galactose were the main monosaccharides with a ratio of (mannose/galactose) 1.52. The absorptions at wavenumber 2855 cm-1 and 2922 cm-1 indicate the presence of galactose and arabinose. RSG showed shear-thinning flow behavior at all concentrations. The K value of the RSG ranged between 0.24 and 6.31 and significantly increased with increased gum concentration. Hysteresis area was found 11.53-183.23 and increased with increasing gum concentration. The percentage recovery for the Gʹ was significantly affected by gum concentrations and found as 42.54-81.20. RSG showed a solid-like structure, the storage modulus (Gʹ) was higher than the loss modulus (Gʹʹ) in all frequency range. Gʹ and Gʹʹ value increased with increased RSG concentration. The physicochemical and rheological characterization indicated that RSG could be evaluated as thickeners and gelling agents in the food industry.