Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
, vol.23, no.3, pp.549-556, 2008 (SCI-Expanded)

Articles Published in Other Journals
Metil ve Etil Ester Kullanılan Bir Common-Rail Dizel Motorda Performans, Yanma ve Enjeksiyon Karakteristiklerinin Karşılaştırılması
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
, vol.21, no.2, pp.578-585, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Biyodizel ve Türkiye’deki durumu
Mühendis ve Makina
, vol.47, no.561, pp.57-64, 2006 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Influences of Microemulsification Fuels on the Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a Common Rail-DI Diesel Engine
22th Congress of Thermal Sciences and Technology (ULIBTK’19), Kocaeli, Turkey, 11 - 14 September 2019, vol.1, pp.287-291
Influences of Microemulsification fuels on the exhaust emıssıon characteristics of a common rail-DI diesel engine
22nd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology, 11 September - 14 October 2019, vol.1, pp.286-290
The Effect of Electromechanical Valve System on the Volumetric Efficiency of a Single Cylinder Gasoline Engine
6th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES 18), İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 27 June 2018, vol.1, pp.344-350
The effect of electromechanical valve system on the volumetric efficiancy of a single cylinder gasoline engine
The 6th European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 27 June 2018, vol.1, pp.344-350
Environmental Effects of a CRDI Diesel Engine Powered with Waste Animal Fat Based Biodiesel Fuels
1st International Engineering and Technology Symposium (IETS 18), Batman, Turkey, 3 - 05 May 2018, vol.1, pp.59
Combustion and Injection Characteristics of a Common Rail Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fueled with Methyl and Ethyl Esters
14th International Combustion Symposium, (14. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu) ICS 2018, Karabük, Turkey, 25 - 27 April 2018, vol.1, pp.253-257
Modelling of the Effect of Electromechanic Valve Mechanism on Air Flow Parameters in a Spark Ignition Engine
International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Elazığ, Turkey, 19 - 21 October 2017, vol.1, pp.3452
Experimental Investigation of Valve Control in a Spark Ignition Engine with Electromechanical Valve Mechanism Technique
8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, IATS17, 19 - 22 October 2017, vol.1, pp.189-196
Modeling of the Effect of Electromechanic Valve Mechanism on Air Flow Parameters in a Spark Ignition Engine
8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, 19 - 22 October 2017, vol.1, pp.3543-3552
Production of Ethylic Biodiesel from Waste Frying Oil
2nd International Energy and Engineering Conference, Gaziantep, Turkey, 12 - 13 October 2017, vol.1, pp.442-450
Performance and Emission Analysis of Ethanol and Isopropanol as Additives with Diesel Fuel in a CRDI Diesel Engine
2nd International Energy and Engineering Conference, Gaziantep, Turkey, 12 - 13 October 2017, vol.1, pp.1134-1143
Diesel Engine Emission Optimization Using Modified Cma-Es Algorithm
5th International Automotive and Vehicle Technologies Conference, AVTECH 2017, Turkey, 6 - 07 October 2017, vol.1, pp.1-10
Tek Silindirli Buji Ateşlemeli Bir Motor İçin Hava Akış Parametrelerinin İncelenmesi
5th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science (ISITES 2017), Baku, Azerbaijan, 29 - 30 September 2017, vol.1, pp.1520-1529
Comparative Analysis of Injection, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Canola-Safflower Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel in a Common Rail Diesel Engine
International Engineering Research Symposium, Düzce, Turkey, 11 - 13 September 2017, vol.1, pp.86
Experimental Performance Comparison of R134a and R1234yf Automobile Heat Pump Systems
16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 17 - 20 July 2017, vol.1, pp.1-10
Exhaust Emission Characteristics of Waste Frying Oil-Diesel Fuel Blends in a CRDI Diesel Engine
International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2017), Venedik, Italy, 2 - 04 May 2017, vol.1
Performance and combustion characteristics of waste fryıng oil-diesel fuel blends in a CRDI diesel engine
Internatıonal Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering, ICTE 2017, 25 - 28 April 2017, vol.1, pp.299-302
Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Waste Frying Oil-Diesel Fuel Blends in a CRDI Diesel Engine
International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering (ICTE 2017), İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 28 April 2017, vol.1, pp.299-302
Evaluation of Ethanol and Isopropanol as Additives with Diesel Fuel in a Common Rail Diesel Engine
1th International Conference on Advances in Science and Arts (ICASA 2017), İstanbul, Turkey, 29 - 31 March 2017, vol.1, pp.24-28
Emission and Performance Analysis of a CRDI Diesel Engine Fueled with the Blends of Ethanol-Biodiesel and Solketal-Biodiesel Fuels
1th International Conference on Advances in Science and Art (ICASA 2017), İstanbul, Turkey, 29 - 31 March 2017, vol.1, pp.90-94
1. INTERNATIONALACADEMIC RESEARCHCONGRESS, Antalya, Turkey, 3 - 05 November 2016, vol.1
Experimental Performance Analysis of an Automotive Air Conditioning and Heat Pump System using R134a with and without Internal Heat Exchanger
Fourth International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Robotics Engineering, 15 - 16 December 2016, vol.1, pp.19-24
INES 16, Turkey, 3 - 04 November 2016
Experimental Performance Analysis of an R134a Automobile Air Conditioning and Air Sourced Heat Pump System
4th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies inEngineering and Science, Turkey, 3 - 05 November 2016, vol.1, pp.582-592
Performance emission and combustion characteristics of oxygenated fuel blends in a common rail diesel engine
9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy&Environmental Protection (SEEP 2016), 22 - 25 September 2016, vol.1, pp.557-562
Using solketal gasoline fuel blends in a vehicle with spark ignition engine
5th International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference, 11 - 13 July 2016, vol.1, pp.1-4
Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel Bioethanol Diesel Fuel Blends
13th International Combustion Symposium, (13. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu) ICS 2015, 9 - 11 September 2015
Comparison of Performance and Combustion Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Methyl Ester Ethyl Ester Petro Diesel and Their Blends
13th International Combustion Symposium, (13. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu) ICS 2015, 9 - 11 September 2015
Performance and exhaust emission characteristics of biodiesel bioethanol diesel fuel blens
13th International Combustion Symposium, ICS 2015, 9 - 11 September 2015, pp.1-8
Comparison of Performance and Combustion Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Fueled with Methyl Ester, Ethyl Ester, Petro- diesel and Their Blends
13th International Combustion Symposium (ICS 2015), Bursa, Turkey, 9 - 11 September 2015, vol.1, pp.1-7
Comparison of Exhaust Emissions of a DI Diesel Engine Fueled With Methyl Ester Ethyl Ester Petro diesel and Their Blends
International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICOCEE 2015), 20 - 23 May 2015
Comparison of exhaust emissions of a dı diesel engine fueled with methyl ester ethyl ester petro diesel and their blends
International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICOCEE 2015, 20 May - 23 September 2015, pp.1-9
Bitkisel ve Atık Hayvansal Yağ Kökenli Biyodizellerin Direkt Enjeksiyonlu Bir Dizel Motorda Kullanımı
9. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu (UTES 2013), Konya, Turkey, 25 - 28 December 2013, vol.1, pp.44-50
Düşük Maliyetli Bir Biyodizel Hammaddesi Olarak Atık Kızartma Yağı Numunesinin Metanoliz Optimizasyonu
9. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu (UTES 2013), Konya, Turkey, 25 - 28 December 2013, vol.1, pp.63-69
Bitkisel ve atık hayvansal yağlardan pilot tesiste biyodizel üretimi
7. Uluslararası İleri Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, 30 October - 01 November 2013, vol.1, pp.809-815
Bitkisel ve Atik Hayvansal Yaglardan Pilot Tesiste Biyodizel Üretimi
7th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS 2013), İstanbul, Turkey, 30 October - 01 November 2013, pp.809-815
A Model Project Carried Out Between Kocaeli University and Izmit Municipality: Waste Frying Oils as a Biodiesel Feedstock
Global Conference on Renewables and Energy Efficiency on Desert Regions and Exhibition (GCREEDER 2013), Amman, Jordan, 10 - 12 September 2013, pp.1-6
Energy and exergy analysis of an R134a automotive heat pump system for various heat sources in comparison with baseline heating system
Proceedings of the Sixth International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-6), 1 - 04 June 2013
Biyodizel Harmanlama Zorunluluğu-Türkiye Yağlı Tohum Sektörü-Biyodizel Hammaddesi Olarak Atık Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Yağlar
EKOLOJİ 2013 Sempozyumu, Tekirdağ, Turkey, 2 - 04 May 2013, pp.26
R134a Soğutucu Akışkanlı Bir Otomobil İklimlendirme Sisteminin Performansına Çalışma Koşullarının Etkisinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi
1. Ulusal İklimlendirme Soğutma Eğitimi Sempozyumu, Balıkesir, Turkey, 13 - 15 September 2012
The Effects of Different Catalyst Usage on the Fuel Properties of Biodiesel Produced from Leather Industry Wastes
4th National Catalysis Conference (NCC-4), Kocaeli, Turkey, 21 - 24 March 2012, pp.61-62
Predicting the Higher Heating Values of Waste Frying Oils as Biodiesel Feedstock
Fuels and Combustion in Engines (FCE12), İstanbul, Turkey, 19 - 21 January 2012, pp.241-247
Experimental Performance of An R134a Automobile Heat Pump System coupled to the passenger compartment
Worldrenewable Energy Congress, 13 - 15 September 2011, vol.13
Hayvansal Kökenli Yağlardan Biyodizel Üretimi
6. Yeni ve Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu, Turkey, 21 - 22 October 2011, vol.1, pp.398-405
Farklı ısı kaynakları kullanabilen otomobil ısı pompası sisteminin performansının dizel motora etkisiyle birlikte incelenmesi
18. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, Zonguldak, Turkey, 7 - 10 September 2011
Farklı Isı kaynakları Kullanabilen Otomobil Isı Pompası Sisteminin Performansının Dizel Motora Etkisiyle Birlikte İncelenmesi
18. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, Turkey, 7 - 09 September 2011, vol.1, pp.573-578
Methyl Ester Production from Chicken Fat with High FFA
World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 (WREC 2011), Linköping, Sweden, 8 - 13 May 2011, pp.319-326
Characterization of Waste Frying Oils Obtained from Different Facilities
World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 (WREC 2011), Linköping, Sweden, 8 - 13 May 2011, pp.479-485
Yüksek Serbest Yağ Asidi İçeren Tavuk Yağından Metil Ester Üretimi
8. Ulusal Temiz Enerji Sempozyumu (UTES’2008), Bursa, Turkey, 1 - 05 December 2010, vol.1, pp.313-320
Experimental Performance of an Automotive Heat Pump System for Various Heat Sources
International Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering , CONAT 2010, Brasov, Romania, 27 - 29 October 2010
Transient and steady state performance evaluation of an R134a automotive air conditioning system
5. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON 2010), Bursa, Turkey, 7 - 08 June 2010
Düşük Kaliteli Atık Tavuk Yağından Biyodizel Üretimi
Fuels and Combustion in Engines (FCE 09), İstanbul, Turkey, 8 - 09 October 2009, pp.199-203
Design and Instrumentation of an Automotive Heat Pump System Using Ambient Air Engine Coolant and Exhaust Gas as a Heat Source
16th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO), 1 - 03 July 2009
Metil Ester Motorin Karışımlarının Distilasyon Sıcaklıklarının İncelenmesi
10. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu, 9 - 10 October 2008, vol.1, pp.244-249
Metil Ester Motorin Karışımlarının Akma Noktalarının Belirlenmesi
4. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi, Turkey, 1 - 04 June 2008, vol.1, pp.281-286
Biyodizel Dizel Yakıt Karışımlarının Yoğunluk ve Viskozitelerinin Belirlenmesi
I. Ulusal Yağlı Tohumlu Bitkiler ve Biyodizel Sempozyumu, Turkey, 28 - 31 May 2007, vol.1, pp.294-305
Biyodizel Üretimi ve Gliserin Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Biyoyakıt (Biyodizel-Biyoetanol) Sempozyumu, Turkey, 29 - 30 June 2006, vol.1, pp.53-60
Biyodizel Dizel Yakıt Karışımlarında Yakıt Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
3. Ege Enerji Sempozyumu, Turkey, 24 - 26 May 2006, vol.1, pp.347-352
Soğutucu akışkanların ve kompresör devrinin otomobil klimalarının performansına etkisi ve ekserji analizi
15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, Turkey, 22 September 2005